Sunday, December 11, 2011

EE Mission Day 2 - Fellowship

Day 2 here in country.  We were able to "sleep in" until about 113am local time.  The highlight of this day was in meeting up with 2 other families that are in country right now.  We were able to share a meal together, and share with each other about how the Lord led each of us to adopt.  Ah, how the gift of Christian fellowship can take away the feeling of being so far from our (temporal) home.

Speaking of home, what a joy it is to have Skype!  The ability to do video calls home is yet another gracious gift from the Lord that helps shrink the distance from here to home.

Tomorrow....appointment day for child 1...

1 comment:

  1. We are looking forward to following your journey!! God bless y'all!
    -Maria (Finn's future mommy)
