Friday, August 26, 2011


From the front - Apostilled

From the back - AAAHHHHpostilled (this had been re-stapled)

Now, in defense of the very nice woman at the Department of State, she was very apologetic and I could have denied the document.  (She had accidentally stapled 2 separate docuemnts together and then seperated them).  Yet, I took the chance that it could "pass" and took it with me.  Our in-country helper gave it a 50-50 (which means I'll have it redone).

I am thankful that my workplace is less than 15 minutes from the Department of State, and the document involved was something we can print out ourselves (no 3rd party required).  So, this could have been a more dire situation...

Oh; the reason I had 64 documents apostilled was because we received something last Saturday:

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