Wednesday, October 19, 2011

O.R.P.H.A.N. Ministry

As Stephanie and I patiently await the Lord's orchestration of events in Kathleen and Gayle's home country, I wanted to take a moment and share something that the Lord, through His Sanctifying Grace, has also instilled in our hearts.

If you have been to our page on the Reece's Rainbow website, and have read over our profile, you will come across this:
"...Over the last several months, God has placed in their lives several brothers and sisters in Christ who have either adopted orphans and/or are strong advocates for orphans. God used these people to raise Corey and Stephanie’s awareness about the Biblical doctrine of adoption and how it applies to orphan care/adoption.
Back in early April 2011, Stephanie attended a workshop on how to start an orphan care ministry. ..."

The workshop Stephanie attended is the one described HERE.  A few weeks later, we made our commitment towards a petition to adopt Kathleen (and then adding Gayle in July). 

The Lord is not stopping there....

Over the last several months, certain brothers and sisters in Christ within the congregation of our home church have come together in fellowship to share their convictions towards the needs of orphans, and adoptive/foster care families.  By God’s Grace, He has led us to become more knowledgeable of His Truth regarding:

  • He being the Author of Adoption
  • His Love for and Defense of the Orphan
  • His Commands to His people regarding Care for the Orphan
We are committed to responding in obedience to what they are convinced is God’s call to establish a coordinated, focused ministry to engage 3 areas:

  • Orphan Care
  • Adoption (Private Domestic and International)
  • Foster Care / Foster-to-Adopt
Our vision includes the prayerful desire to be a church that is obedient to God's commands pertaining to the orphan/fatherless and adoptive/foster families through O.R.P.H.A.N.  :

Observing God's Truth regarding Adoption, the orphan, and His commands to the Church

Raising Awareness about the “plentiful harvest” and need for “workers”

Praying for the orphan/fatherless and adoptive/foster care families

Helping the Orphan/Fatherless

Advocating for the Orphan/Fatherless

Nurturing Adoptive/Foster Care families

With future posts, I hope to expand on the O.R.P.H.A.N. acrostic; including the Biblical foundation that addresses the “why are we doing this?”, and some initial ideas of how we can implement each component of the ministry.


  1. This is great. Can't wait to hear more.

  2. WOW! That is great! How wonderful is what Lord is doing in your life!
